Twostepcub's Biggest Hits of 2020: The End Credits - My favorite albums of the year...

Hey folks, it's New Year's Eve here, and since I've already shared the top 100 (+25) songs on my weekly "hit" personal music chart, I wanted to give a shout out to the lesser-known but higher-quality artists who music got me through this food-poisoning grade shitshow of a year. There was a fuck-ton of amazing work done in 2020 by artists that really need a bigger voice. Here are just a few. 1. What's Your Pleasure by Jessie Ware With no equal my favorite album of the year (and this is a year Kylie released a disco album). Riding in on the neo-disco wave that just seems prescient of the chaos that would come in the spring, Ware's set is more than a booty-shaking record, but her most diverse and nuanced set to date. There simply are no songs I would even think of skipping over. From the slinky "Step Into My Life" to the smooth as silk "Spotlight" (in the Ellis-Bextor fashion) to the Goldfrapp-ish electronic euphoria of "W...