Cee U Next Tuesday for the week....redneck journalism...

This week's winner of the Cee U Next Tuesday award for female excellence in the male-driven field of douchebaggery is Fox producer Heidi Noonan, who, thanks to the glory of youtube, is caught rallying up the scant ragged crew of mouthbreathers that descended on Washington a little over a week ago. The "9/12" movement gathering, coined by dickweed-in-chief Glenn Beck to "bring America together like we were on 9/12/01", which translated from the original fucktard means "lets go scream and yell at the brown people in the White House", apparently wasn't hyped-up enough for Fox's already cheerleading broadcast, so Buffy Producerpants pumps up the loons behind the idiot Geek-Squad toss-off they had "covering" the weekend. Fox, of course, is somewhat putting a "Who, me?" air on, with Fox News VP Bill Sammons shitting out a "don't do it again" decree, but knowing Fox, this cunt and her male gay porn-librarian sidekick will be promoted in no time.

So congrats on your C-U-N-T award, you can use it for a baton, just don't let it bounce off your head.
