Republican Douchebag of the week: Cheesus Christ!...

Sugarbear and I were at the local Wegman's last week, and I was in a quandary on whether to pick up possibly the last affordable chance to get one of the most flavorful cheese ever - Roquefort. Only made in the same-titled town in the south of France, Roquefort makes an awesome blue cheese sauce for steak, as well as being a savory cracker spread. Well unfortunately former U.S. Trade Representative and culinary cunt Susan Schwab (as in, my vagina's so nasty that CSI has to Schwab it for evidence) did a proverbial middle finger to France by imposing a 300% duty on the cheese rendering it possibly unprofitable to market in the states. The semi-official explanation/bitch is that it was retaliation for the European Union banning US Beef with hormones. Yeah, God forbid they would want to control a potential health risk from our shitty agricultural policies.
Sue, and I don't give a shit is you don't like me calling you Sue, don't let the door hit your fat Republican ass on the way out. Actually, let it hit it. You're not welcome here no more.
