Cee U Next Tuesday winner of the week....Shalom-Wow!

This week's Cee-U-Next-Tuesday award recipient, for female excellence in the male-dominated field of douchebaggery, goes to California Republican gubernatorial candidate Carly "I Fucked Up IBM, so vote me in!" Fiorina, for sending out a Passover letter to her supporters which read ... This week, as we break bread and spend time with our families and friends, I hope we also take a moment to say a word of thanks for our freedom and for those who have given their lives in freedom's name. Let us also look ahead with hope to the opportunities to come. um, yeah. Carly Simonona? The basis FOR Passover was that they don't have bread, in honor of the Jews fleeing Egypt who couldn't wait for the bread to rise. Why don't you just tell them to enjoy the ham, as well? And instead of just apologizing, she releases a pandering followup email saying she meant ALL bread, including Matzo. Yeah. because saying "matzo" would possibly offend your Jesus Freaks yo...