Cee U Next Tuesday for the week....Poison apple not falling far from the tree...

Apparently trying to redeem herself to her father as the alphamale of his progeny (and effectively out-butch Mary), Ms. Cheney has spread herself over all the talkie programs protecting her father's "honor", after leaked investigations into a secret CIA program that may or may not have involved either assassinating people or spying on Americans. Of course, like any Bush/Cheney Republican, this isn't based on any facts...
Asked directly on MSNBC whether her father directed the CIA not to keep Congress fully informed about the secret program, Cheney said, "This is a classified program and he doesn't talk about classified programs."Then why is this bitch on, then? If it's to titillate us into thinking you may run for some office or another, your only different with Palin is your capacity for calculated and somewhat learned evil. Go take your Dick and fuck yourselves in your hidden bunker.
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As the hornets try protecting their nest, I hope justice and adherence to the Constitution is like Raid to them..