Story of the day....the sanctity of marriage...

Now, tell me again how this fucking country respects its so-called "sanctity of marriage" bullshit? Tell me how I am not able to marry the man I love, with no other reason that it behooves your fucking fragile sensibilities? How the gays and the lesbians are an affront to morality in their search (or possibly not the search) of their perfect partner, while this abortion of a show takes dimwitted America on a ride where belief is supposedly suspended that this whole charade isn't scripted to begin with? And specifically, can Elisabeth Hasselbeck take a videotape of this show and shove it up her crotch already, since that's apparently where all her ideas come from? I don't want to hear how ooh this bitch was heartbroken and played, and another was an asshole, and this guy is the worst guy since Hitler. It's a fucking TV show. About hooking up. And eliminating from a genetic cess pool one by one of women either publicity-hungry or self-loathing or both. They fucking auditionned for it. Doesn't that set off a bell somewhere? Yet moral high-horse types tune into this entertainment swill year after year. That's totally fine, but when you want to go off on how deviant us gays and lesbians are, save us both a little time and just go fuck yourself.

Link to video from the View
