
Showing posts from February, 2009

Under the blue skies...

Here's the first three pictures from Vegas. Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area , exactly. We went there on the first full day there, as I've done on every trip I've been, and it never ever gets old. It's one of my favorite places in the US, and I really should plan entire day for it. When it's warmer. If you're in Vegas, it is so worth renting a car just to take the trip there.

twostepcub's music chart for February 20, 2009...

Hey everybody, I know I'm a bit late, but I'm tryin' to catch up....this flu is finally leaving but I've slept most of the day off. Yech. I wanted to put up my songs for the week from last week, just to keep it flowing, though Link-O-Rama will resume in full for this coming weekend's chart, but this week I added links to the websites of the new debut songs. Just click to find out more about 'em. This week Lady GaGa's "Just Dance" makes the big turnaround by making it to the top for the first week. She debuted back in June with the song, which had a run in the top-20, dropped down to #57, then makes it all the way, while having a second song climbing as well. Meanwhile, Beyonce (pictured above with Hugh Jackman) may have had a wardrobe malfunction at the Oscars, but she manages to put two songs in the top-10 this week. The biggest moves come from Shontelle, Kelly Clarkson, and The Ting Tings, while songs by Ercola, Michelle Williams, Jennifer Hudson...

Sin (and sick) city....

Well my trip to Vegas is come and gone, and of course too quickly. I wish I had a few more days in theory, but since I caught a horrible cold that has since turned into the flu, making the planeride back almost unbearable, maybe for now it was for the best. I'll post some pics tomorrow, but thank you SB for being my doctor, gopher, and porter during that crazy Sunday. I think I sweated five pounds off after the Advil, but you'd never know it, eh? Vegas airport security ran real smoothly for a change, which was made up my the total chaos at the US Airways boarding gate which allowed everyone to just shove their 2 immense carry-ons wherever they choose leaving me with nowhere to put mine - I tried to shift things around, was told off by one air-maid that i can't do that (wait, isn't this the section for MY row?) then, still sweating and under medication, couldnt see another space, then was threatened by another sky-hooker that looked like a more-pissy Lisa Lampanelli bec...

Dance, Beyatches!

Hey everyone... I've been sick with the flu since I've been back from Vegas, so sorry for the delay. I'll try to have my music up tonight, and maybe tomorrow some pictures from the trip, but until then, here's to trying to be as happy as this guy is. I think that may be the secret of life. BOOMBOX from Ely Kim on Vimeo . Boombox by Ely Kim Hat Tip to We Like Him , courtesy of The American Scene . Thanks. It made my day.

Happy President's Day...

Enjoy whatever you're doing...

twostepcub's music chart for February 13, 2009...

Good evening, and Happy Valentine's Day slash Friday the 13th to ya (no pun intended). It's time for my tunes for the week, and Nickelback spend an eighth week on top, while Americans King Of Leon, who are big in the UK, move up my top-10. Former big hits by John Legend and Coldplay drop off the chart, while in a week where 15 songs move at least 10 spaces, Lady GaGa, The Ting Tings, and Kelly Clarkson make the biggest jumps. Link-o-Rama is still in full effect, so you can click on the highlighted name of any artist to go to their website. May love reign! This Week Song/Artist (last week's position in parentheses) --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Gotta Be Somebody - Nickelback (1) 2. Hot N Cold - Katy Perry (2) 3. Just Dance - Lady GaGa f/ Colby O'Donis (5) 4. Human - The Killers (4) 5. Keeps Gettin' Better - Christina Aguilera (3) 6. Sex On Fire - Kings Of Leon (8) 7. Don't - Billy Currington (9) 8. Let...


cuteness for the night. Bulldog Kisses Orangutan @ Yahoo! Video

Obvious things....

Chris Brown is a total pussy . There's no going back on this one. You can pee on a 14 year old , but don't go beating up your famous fucking girlfriend (let alone anyone). It's Rihanna, you dick. You should be thanking the lord every day she is with you. You audience sure isn't gonna just let this slide.

Story of the day: A bigger d!ck senator than Lieberman?...

So the second nominee for Secretary of Commerce, New Hampshire Republican Senator Judd Gregg , withdraws himself abruptly from the process . Apparently the stank-eye of Mitch McConnell (above, leering) made wittle Judd a-scared. Fuck you, dick, there was no reason for you to be nominated in the first place, given your position to abolish the department in the first place, let alone your pussy "conflict of interest" bullshit about the stimulus package. And President Obama, please stop the stupid "bipartisan" shit while you're at it. They snowed you. Again. Stop fucking listening to Emmanuel and grow a couple and realize that Republicans are dicks that are put on this earth to obstruct anything that doesnt go their way. Let them sit and stew in their dirty-ass diapers. And Jesus Christ enough of the health-care crony Bredesen at HHS shit and friggin' put Dean in already? Just put Dean and Emmanuel in a room and let them work their shit out.

Twostepcub's music chart for February 6, 2009...

Hello everyone, it's time for my tunes for the week. This week Nickelback spend a non-consecutive seventh week, while Lady GaGa (pictured above) , whose "Just Dance" already had a chart run in the top-40, rebounds all the way into the top-5. The biggest jumps come from Moby, Jes, and Pink, while Rise Against, Rihanna, and Randy Houser have former big hits dropping off the list. Link-O-Rama is still in effect, so you can click on the name of any artist to go to their website. This ain't no cah-pet! This is an ahhhhreeah rug! This Week Song/Artist (last week's position in parentheses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Gotta Be Somebody - Nickelback (1) 2. Hot N Cold - Katy Perry (2) 3. Keeps Gettin' Better - Christina Aguilera (3) 4. Human - The Killers (4) 5. Just Dance - Lady GaGa f/ Colby O'Donis (9) 6. Addicted - Saving Abel (6) 7. Let Me Be Myself - 3 Doors Down (7) 8. Sex On Fire - Kings Of Leon ...

Story of the day: Is anyone against this?

President Obama announced that he will impose an executive pay limit for any bank/financial company getting taxpayer "bailout" money . The $500,000 cap is even higher than that president's own salary, so why should this be a problem? Are they worried that the fucktards that helped steer these companies into these situations be rewarded ? Would the government give you a bonus if you spent all your money and ran your credit up? The point is, this is a good step in the most important part of reviving the economy - giving consumers - meaning us lowlife taxpayers - confidence, confidence that we're not getting totally snowed over.

Dance, F***er Dance!....

It's was only a matter of time, where all things get a dance remix...

Who's running this show?

And speaking of stupid nomination moves, why would the administration choose to appoint Sen. Judd Gregg of New Hampshire to be the next Commerce Secretary (yes, nothing has come till now since Richardson pulled out). Besides being a semi-right wing blowhard after voting to abolish the actual department he aspires to lead , he apparently bitchslapped them to force a deal where the Democratic Governor must appoint a Republican to succeed him in the Senate. What the fuck is with that? What shit does he got to deserve him demanding concessions to get a job? Isn't there anyone in the Democratic party that can just as (or more) ably serve? What the Fuck!?!?!? Meanwhile Nancy Killeher, Obama's choice for Chief Performance Officer, withdrew her nomination as well due to unreported domestic help taxes . Can't these fucking people have a clue anymore? And for those who say "that's how Washington works", if you've ever paid under the table for any work done, then...

Story of the day: Another two bite the dust...

Jeez oh man. In proof that powerfucking in politics never is good, Tom Daschle (pictured above, straight from his Harry Potter fan club meeting) removed himself from confirmation of being the next Secretary of Health and Human Services . This is after days of revelations that Daschle had failed to pay income taxes on his consulting work, with led to his overstating charitable deductions, which led to the coup de grace of his neglect to report his use of car & driver service . Now even before the car & driver service he had to pay $140,000 in back taxes. $140,000 . How much is passing through you if that's just the underpayment? Now this tax thing is shady to ascertain what went wrong from his nomination, since it remains to be seen how much Daschle kept from Obama's vetters, or how much those vetters delved into his finances. But the second fork of his demise is the growing concern that his web of ties to lobbyists and health care providers totally run against the...

Story of the soup for you!

I Just don't get it. Apparently Sen. Mitch "Turkey-neck" McConnell is heading the minority party leadership on trying to fail the stimulus bill . Sen. Mitch McConnell of Kentucky. Kentucky, where after a horrible string of ice storms have left the state paralyzed . Utilities down, roads and buildings damaged. Infrastructure . Just what this bill is starting to get the groundwork in rebuilding. Sorry Kentucky, but I say cut off Kentucky altogether from any aid until their Congressional voice stops obstructing and starts working with the rest of the playgroup. Nothing. Nada. Like they don't exist. Like Bush did when New Jersey requested federal aid after major flooding and hurricanes. Let them figure their own mess out. Besides - these backwater fucktards rean't naming any significant "pork" spending in this bill. Josh Marshall of lays down the gauntlet the best . Now, here's a representative list from Rep. LoBiondo (R) of New ...

You got your money's worth..

Thoughts: It was an awesome "who know's who's gonna win" game. That 100 yard touchdown return was amazing. Bruce Springsteen totally blew the crowd away at halftime (as well as made me feel a little violated with that camera/crotch slam. Thank god I didn't have those 3-D glasses on, otherwise I'd have thought my eyes were getting poked out. I humbly admit to be cheering the Steelers on by the end. 30% of that was to screw Kurt Warner, the rest because they deserved it. Arizona played nasty, and they needed to be beat down. Still wish it was the Eagles for my dad's sake.

Oh, what a difference an election makes...

Well, well, well. It seems like anti-pork maven Gov. Sarah Palin, freed from the binds of running for national office and semi-responsible for running an actual state , is in Washington to suck at Porky's teet itself . Meeting with Sen. Mitch "Turkey-Neck" McConnell, she's lobbying (ooh, another Republican bad word) for them to pass the stimulus bill to get money for her state. What comes around, darlin'... UPDATE: Apparently the great white hope for the Republican party blew off her own team (and not like you'd think she'd do): ABC News' Jonathan Karl reports: When House Republicans planned their annual winter retreat, they extended an invitation to Alaska Gov. Sara Palin, hoping the party's 2008 vice presidential nominee would give a morale-building speech to the more than 130 Republican members of Congress gathered this weekend in Hot Springs, Va. Retreat organizers tell ABC News that Palin politely declined, giving a perfectly understandabl...

Story of the day...ho hum...pass the chips already...

It's Super Bowl Sunday, and I think I'm gonna pass. There's two teams I'm not into, headed by 2 quarterbacks that I wouldn't like to get a ring either way. I guess Ben Roethlisberger is the lesser evil, between the stupidity of motorcycle riding without a helmet (which is a personal dumbass move, which I'm sure he's learned from) and Christian semi-zealotry , which he is open but not preachy about it. Like Kurt Warner with his batshit insane zealotry . I don't mind at all people living their lives to their own values and beliefs, but once you go into delegating anyone who isn't like you to "hell" dives you right into the land of fucktards. Here's Kurt (and honey, it's the gays who like to spell it with a K ) explaining how his heathen teammates (even the ones who go to their own church) are sinning well as being one of the spokepeople for the neanderthal flat-earthers opposed to stem cell research . Oh, and the fully f...