Heck of a job, Paulie....
Well, the smackdown to anyone promoting the deregulation of the banking/investment market has come, with every firm going down in succession like dominoes. The rising price of gas, combined with the sagging trade deficit and the exploding national deficit brought on by the fucktardery of the war in Iraq, has led us to this point of no return in econohell, where everyone in their own way is to blame but are pointing fingers to each other. Most culpable are the free-market assholes in this administration that removed any oversight over the financial sector, allow this country to spiral into anarchy not seen since the "robber baron" days. Meanwhile, Congress is stonewalled, with Republicans tripping up any chance for reform, and Democrats too pussified to beat them down on it. And what does it give us? A possibly 1 trillion bill stuck to the US public. Now who do they think is going to pay for this? Well the Repukes don't care, either they're the ones who stored the inheritance in the mattress, or are the ones too busy trying to Rapture themselves.
Now John McCain is trying to change total gears midstream, where last week he was decrying any intervention in the market, and now either demanding the resignation of the SEC chairman (which he can't do) or the rehaul of Bush's bailout bill (which is a token "mavericky" thing he's pretending on). What a hole. And using the rote Repuke crybaby tactic of saying Obama was attacking American workers for rightfully making total shit out of McCain's declaration that the "foundations of the economy is strong". That's like saying you hate cows if you hate Big Macs.
At least we're for once the news isn't focused on that c*nt Palin.
PS - for a great synopsis of what is going on here in terms of the election, read this article by Drew Westen at HuffPost. Very well put.