As the circus continues....
As I write, the snoozefest of the KKK/Republican convention is going on in Minnesota. In order to make this hot-air factory at all palatable to the US public and the media, John McCain pulled the crass political stunt of nominating Sarah "Miss Congeal" Palin to be his running mate, ensuring the TVs get nonstop coverage of the Jerry Springer show that is this moron's "life experience". Who the fuck is Sarah Palin? Hell, the fucking republicans don't even know...
(Mind you, this is the fucking national chairman of the party!) I honestly think the Republican party really thinks this is a game - not a campaign for the future of our country, and it's all about the unending news cycles of stories about how much of a cuntmobile this Sarah Palin and her dysfunctional family is. Observe...
1) Imagine a Democrat nominating someone under investigation. For anything. The pissypants hired hands that fester the media who never have it. With this bitch, who apparently wields political power like the non-Lohan girls in Mean Girls, it's supposed to be interesting....fuck her.
2) Her daughter's knocked up. Breeded. Plumped up at the age of 17 with seed of a proclaimed (but pretend) "redneck", then paraded around to prove the Sarah was truly knocked up herself with the Downs baby that apparently wasn't important enough for her to take more than 3 days off from her job. All the while fainting with the pressure that the "media" is obsessing over the trails of a private family matter. Bitch, if you are so fucking worried about the dignity of your sex-craved daughter, stop fucking parading her around, leave her the fuck in Alaska as well as the jock-shithead who is too cool for condoms. Otherwise, your whole family can go fuck themselves like characters in the Aristocrats.
3.) The hype today is she has foreign experience because she's next to Russia. Of course this blatant lie allows the talking heads on the 24 hour news machine to bloviate about how inane this is, of course keeping the name in the news. I mean, if he nominated Romney, would anybody even be covering this convention!?!?!?
4) Of course for all her retarded Mary Tyler Moore schtick, it draws any attention away from what an utter dildo John McCain really is. There is so many things wrong with him that it's almost comical to see these silverspoon Neanderthals pretend that McCain is "one of them". He's like the mentally-slow version of the Gay Republicans (I know, double negative). And since the majority of Americans are against the issues McCain is for, this week is all about the "personalitys" of the candidates. This from the man whining about the supposed celebrity of Obama. Its more like jealously from the stuttering old man who sits there in soiled pants mad that no one wants to hear his "stories" anymore.
5) Tom Brokaw is an utter douchebag that deserves to be bitchslapped by Walter Cronkite. That he pretends to be an objective voice while sputtering hack lines like "Troopergate is just a speed bump" is proof that he is a true traitor of his profession and I'm glad the asshole like him doesn't have a daily outlet anymore.
6) It's entertaining to watch Romney and Guiliani pretend that they are totally with being dissed by McCain to pick a "Trophy Veep".
7) Joe Lieberman has no business observing the Sabbath, since he already has proved to be the evil snake I've thought he was. So Joe, do you like hanging with the Palin, since her church thinks you're the devil? Huh? Droopy Dog, hello?
8) Somebody's seriously editing Olbermann during this, and it's pissing me off.
Republicans, enjoy your little tea party. We're all laughing at you.