a rant.

I took some time today, as I know a lot of people did, to reflect on the horrible tragedy of 6 years ago, especially given it being the same day of the week it happened. What I personally feel is this.

Thank God for the men like the firemen and police who sacrified everything including their lives to save people trapped, as well as all the people who helped pick through and clear the site afterward. It's a crime that so many are suffering from health problems, and so many of those without adequate health care, is a shame, a shame for this country.

I have rage against the men responsible for this day, who no matter what reasons they feel they had, what religious doctrine they felt gave them permission, had descended into pure evil by causing so much loss of innocent life. I can only hope a special layer of hell contains them.

I feel anger at a stubborn, uneducated, uncaring president, and his revolving door of craven lackeys and timid yes-men that allowed him to transform this event into something completely at odds of our supposed democratic principles, putting men and women into a country who had absolutely nothing to do with 9/11 to die to what has since been exposed as clearly and without rebuttal a evil empire-building scheme that has not only destabilized the Middle East more than it was, but caused more death than either 9/11 or Saddam Hussein ever caused. It gave our country the dubious distinction of treating war like a football game, where it no longer mattered whether your cause is just or your plan is thought out, but whether your "team" wins.

I feel disgust at the Republican party, which has dissolved into a cabal of bullies, threatening anyone who even questionned the buildup to war with treason or cowardice, then scapegoating those same people for supposedly "going with it too". If you're still drinking the Kool-Aid, this far later, fuck you. Fuck you hard. You're either too stupid and lemming-like to investigate the truth, to jingoistic to worry about finding how to resolve issues without massive killing and the waving of a flag, or too purely evil to think that you're on the "winning team". Think of children that are dying because of this. It's on your head.

I feel disenchantment with a big part of the Democratic party, who unfortunately played into their game and allowed themselves to be used as pawns to allow the biggest power grab ever in this country. This time is not for the meek, willing to only hold on to what little status they have.

And also I feel despair for this country, that which I had hope for after this despicable event, for fulfilling many of the terrorists' possible aims, turning this country into a paranoid, myopic, and willing sheep, allowing this government to put through unspeakable attacks on personal liberty, the rule of law, and freedom itself, making this a fight against making our own country a religious-zealot-led kingdom we are supposedly fighting against. A country that refuses to sacrifice towards any cause, be it weening off oil, doing anything but clamor for tax cuts while our children and grandchildren will be burdened with, if we can survive this at all without global warming drowning us.

Fuck you, Osama, you twisted puppeteer. May you rot in hell.
Fuck you, Bush, you ignorant boy-king.
Fuck you, Cheney, you self-serving megalomaniac.
Fuck you, Rumsfeld, a corporate, dismissive asshole who is responsible for EVERY soldier death.
Fuck you, Condeleeza, you pandering closet-case "Auntie Tom".
Fuck you, "Scooter", for getting your "get out of jail free card" for treason.
Fuck you, Gonzales, for being a self-righteous sycophant who has destroyed the Bill Of Rights.
Fuck you, Harriet Miers, for being nothing more than an ugly-ass steno that tried to be a Supreme Court Judge.
Fuck you, Powell, sorry no half-hearted take-backs.
Fuck you, Lieberman, you're more than a disgrace to the Democratic Party, but to the human race, you two-faced fucktard.
Fuck you, Tony Snow, y'know next time you look in the mirror, remember karma's a real bitch.
Fuck you, Guiliani, for profiteering on the lives of Americans, and trying to climb their corpses to win the presidency.
Fuck George Tenet and Louis Freeh, for their childish blamethrowing and complete under-rug-sweeping of solving the anthrax attacks which threatened us.

I may be called rude for speaking as such, but I do love this country's original principles of freedom and equality, and know that we can be better than this.

