Things I know so far this year...

....Hot water heaters cost a friggin' LOT to replace.
....I don't care about Britney Spears' "problems", Jennifer Aniston's "problems", or whatever Olsen twins' "problems".
....Rosie O'Donnell needs to just go and beat the shit out of Donald Trump.
....Dick Cheney may be a pure source of evil, but Tony Snow is the most smarmy self-righteous lying egotistical pompous douchebag in the city of Washington today, and that's saying a lot.
....I couldn't give two shits if either Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama will or will not be running for president.
....On that matter, ditto that for hypocritcal panderers John McCain or Rudy Guiliani.
....Carson Daly is slowly but surely morphing into a clone of Dick Clark.
....NO amount of US troops will stop the downward spiral in Iraq.
....Youtube is crazy addictive.
....The Dixie Chicks were right.
....No one in their right mind could can 10 minutes in a locked room with Sean Hannity.
....There's no such thing as "too many Christmas decorations".
...."Ugly Betty" is an awesome show.

Something I don't know this year yet...

....the road I'm taking.
