More Macaca-mamie...

So Senator George Allen of Virginia had this little stump speech out in the western part of the state. Attending, as happens a lot in campaigns, was a staffer from his opponent Jim Webb's campaign. He was just there filming it, which is reasonable, they want to know what each other is campaigning on. Not to disrupt, or say a thing. Just to record. Well Sen. Allen had to "call out" the young man to the crowd. I guess he was trying to guess the young man's name, kinda like how the girl at Six Flags guesses your age and weight, and came up with....


Now Allen has been offering a slew of explanations on this, most prominently that it looked like the man had a "mohawk".

Here's the man, SR Sidharth.

Nice mohawk.

And how in the world do you get Macaca from mohawk?
You don't.

Apparently, macaque is a type of monkey, and a slang word in white North African neighborhoods as a slur to mean "dark skinned Arab".


George Felix Allen's mother of a French citizen who lived in Tunisia. In north Africa.


you can read more about it here or here or here.

here's the crazy video....
