Get along lil doggies...

Last Saturday a few members of the Liberty Gay Rodeo Association and I had a "rodeo play day" in southern New Jersey, when we learned a couple rodeo events, like chute dogging (wrestling a steer basically to the ground), steer deco (getting a steer over a line from the chute and tying a ribbon to it's tail), and goat dressing (running up to a tied goat and "dressing" it with briefs then running back, tres funny). It was hella fun, and totally worth it. The picture above is me getting a grip on the steers head before pulling it up to try to take it down.

Bart, me, and Mikie trying not to look like it's a million degrees out.
You can get info about the different events from the ASGRA website (click here).
To learn about the Liberty Gay Rodeo Association (click here).