In remembrance...

Today marks Memorial Day, which honors those who have given their lives serving in the U.S. military. With the current brouhaha over whether President Obama will honor his pledge to repeal the horrific "Don't Ask Don't Tell" policy that was set under Clinton's administration in the 90's as a misguided compromise to appease the religious right-wing (and one of the worst offenses of Former Joint Chiefs of Staff Chair Colin Powell). While too many thousands have given their lives fighting campaigns both just and unjust, some of the same who have honorably sacrificed for their country are being essentially "fired" for who they are, not how well they've done their jobs. Men like Dan Choi, member of the National Guard and Arab linguist, you know, someone we really need in fighting terrorism. Men like fighter pilot Lt. Gen Victor Fehrenbach. Gay men and women have been serving in the military either closeted or quiet for decades. The military knows it. The administration knows it. If only they would stop treating the American public like the minority mouthbreathers that need to kick a fag around to feel superior.

Interestingly, the first "Memorial Day"-type stirrings came after the Civil War, with former slaves in Charleston honoring the fallen Union soldiers who fought for the freedom (and later full equality) for all. May President Obama think about this in his decisions on pushing forward to end this misguided and hateful plan that neither follows the intent of law nor makes this country safer.

And special honor to Choi and Ferhenbach. Your commitment to the country is what this day is all about.
