
Showing posts from May, 2009

Twostepcub's music chart for May 22, 2009...

Well, so much for posting on time....sorry to say, here's my top tunes from last week, during the long Memorial Day weekend. I'm just come back from a foggy, drizzly day in New York, so here goes... This week American bands are doing well, as Kings Of Leon takes over the top spot from Lady GaGa, white the Plain White T's (pictured above) move up within the top-10. The biggest moves are by songs by Rob Thomas, AR Rahman, and Pink, while former big hits by Nickelback, Tim McGraw, Jimmy D. Robinson, and Maroon5 drop off the list. Link-O-Rama is still in effect, so you can click on the highlighted name of any artist to go to their website. I can't eat all this pie! This Week Song/Artist (last week's position in parentheses) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Use Somebody - Kings Of Leon (2) 2. Not Meant To Be - Theory Of A Deadman (3) 3. Poker Face - Lady GaGa (1) 4. Takin' Back My Love - Enrique Iglesias f...

Happy Birthday, Kylie!

Kylie Minogue turns 41 today....I'm still aghast over being able to see her in October! Woohoo!

In remembrance...

Today marks Memorial Day, which honors those who have given their lives serving in the U.S. military. With the current brouhaha over whether President Obama will honor his pledge to repeal the horrific " Don't Ask Don't Tell " policy that was set under Clinton's administration in the 90's as a misguided compromise to appease the religious right-wing (and one of the worst offenses of Former Joint Chiefs of Staff Chair Colin Powell ). While too many thousands have given their lives fighting campaigns both just and unjust, some of the same who have honorably sacrificed for their country are being essentially "fired" for who they are , not how well they've done their jobs. Men like Dan Choi , member of the National Guard and Arab linguist , you know, someone we really need in fighting terrorism. Men like fighter pilot Lt. Gen Victor Fehrenbach . Gay men and women have been serving in the military either closeted or quiet for decades. The military kn...

Let's get ready to rumble!

If only somebody in the Democratic party can slam stupid-as-fuck Republican talking points like former Minnesota Governor-slash-wrestler Jesse Ventura can. So far he's 3-0. Point 1, the easy one - a takedown of vapid reality contestant Elisabeth Hasselback on the View . Can I say again how much of a total CUNT she is? next, for bigger fish to fry, Ventura takes on assclown Sean Hannity, who tries his best to play the victim card. Fuck you, Hannity, you bloated lying coward. And finally, in the coup de grace, Jesse smacks down the special class known as Fox & Friends with Brian Kilmeade especially proving what an ignorant dolt he is. Can we just get him to fill in ALL the time?

Distant Shores Song for the night...

Tonight's DSS is from Tommy Sparks , Swedish-born but currently living in Britain. His electro-hit "She's Got Me Dancing" is welcome to those jonesing for the next Junior Senior record. And of course, it comes with the campiest video this side of "Love Shack". You can catch more from Tommy at his MySpace page , or you can pre-order up a copy of his debut self-titled album at Amazon , or head over the pond to the UK site to get the single now .

twostepcub's music chart for May 15, 2009...

Hey everybody, sorry for the light posting, it's been a wicked stressful week. But I wanted to catch up with my tunes for the week, and hopefully will be back on track next week. I appreciate you for checkin' in with me. This week Lady GaGa spends a fifth week at the summit, while Enrique Iglesias (pictured above) barrels into the top-10. Former big hits by Jake Owen, Jimmy Wayne, The White Tie Affair, Darius Rucker, Jes, Usher, and Beyonce drop off the chart, while the biggest moves are by Green Day, Deborah Cox, and Utada. Link-O-Rama is still in effect, so you can click on the highlighted name of any artist to go to their website. Damn Smithville Festival! This Week Song/Artist (last week's position in parentheses) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Poker Face - Lady GaGa (1) 2. Use Somebody - Kings Of Leon (3) 3. Not Meant To Be - Theory Of A Deadman (5) 4. The Fear - Lily Allen (2) 5. My Life Would Suck Without ...

Distant Shores Song of the night...face the music

Tonight's DSS is by French actor-singer Emmanuel Moire , who had previously appeared in the French musical Le Roi Soleil . His new single is "Adulte & Sexy", and he's quite sexy enough, eh? Those eyes! (Yours are better, SB)... Here's the video clip... You can pick up a copy of "Adulte & Sexy" or his new album L'equilibre by going to Amazon France by clicking here .

twostepcub's music chart for May 9, 2009...

Hey folks, since I was working/taking Mom out for Mother's Day, I have to catch up and post my tunes for the week. This week Lady GaGa spends a fourth week at the top, while the Fray (pictured above) hangs on in the top-10. The biggest jumps are by Depeche Mode, Seether, and U2, while former big hits by Pearl Jam, Taylor Swift, Brandy, David Cook, and Nicki Richards drop off. Link-O-Rama is back, so you can click on the name of any artist highlighted to go to their website (rightclick to go to another window). Grass is cut, thank God! This Week Song/Artist (last week's position in parentheses) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Poker Face - Lady GaGa (1) 2. The Fear - Lily Allen (2) 3. Use Somebody - Kings Of Leon (3) 4. My Life Would Suck Without You - Kelly Clarkson (4) 5. Not Meant To Be - Theory Of A Deadman (5) 6. Sober - Pink (6) 7. Love Story - Taylor Swift (7) 8. You Found Me - The Fray (8) 9. There Goes My Baby - Charli...

Happy Mother's Day!

For all you mutha's out there...

I think I'm gonna pass out...

Holy Christ. I never thought this day would come, but my absolute favorite, Kylie Minogue, will be playing her first American (and Canadian) tour for six dates this fall. It's quite an irony, since her KylieX2008 DVD is en route to my house from Australia, to complete my collection of her concert DVD's. She puts on a show like nobody's business, and I hope to be able to get her tickets tomorrow on the presale. W00t!

Movies I have to see ....

I need to see the upcoming Julie & Julia movie coming out this August.

twostepcub's music chart for May 1, 2009

Hey folks, I'm sitting here waiting at the Palm Springs Airport, so I have a little time to post my tunes for the week. This week Lady GaGa stays on top for a third week, while Theory of a Deadman (pictured above) moves into the top-five. Now let's hope I can sleep on the red-eye back from Phoenix. This Week Song/Artist (last week's position in parentheses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Poker Face - Lady GaGa (1) 2. The Fear - Lily Allen (2) 3. Use Somebody - Kings Of Leon (5) 4. My Life Would Suck Without You - Kelly Clarkson (3) 5. Not Meant To Be - Theory Of A Deadman (7) 6. Sober - Pink (4) 7. Love Story - Taylor Swift (6) 8. You Found Me - The Fray (8) 9. Just Dance - Lady GaGa f/Colby O'Donis (9) 10. Gives You Hell - All-American Rejects (12) 11. There Goes My Baby - Charlie Wilson (13) 12. Here Comes Goodbye - Rascal Flatts (14) 13. Lucky - Jason Mraz & Colbie Caillat (15) 14. 1,2,3,4 - Plain White T's...

weekend in Palm Springs..

Hey folks, sorry for the light posting, but in my official capacities I'm in Palm Springs California. It's a town with a pretty view of mountains, but I haven't had time to explore. I went to a cool street fair last night, and had a French crepe as well as a Guatemalan taco. There were street musicians, and lots of vendors, and if you're visiting the area, it's a great way to spend a Thursday evening. It's every Thursday, and worth the time. I was beat by bedtime, but the extra sleep helped. Miss ya, Sugarbear.