Jesus, it's been a MONTH already?!?!?!?!?!

The night didn't seem real at times...I was back and forth between the computer and the teevee on Election Night. It was a really freeing feeling that the "way of reason" won over the old-school racist/jingoist/know-nothing/school team mentality that has totally infected the party of the man at least a little responsible for this moment to be taking place at all. It is clear that their are two America's when it comes to politics, it just seems now that one of those Americas is confined to the old Confederacy and land of christofascist ignorance.

However, it was equally disheartening that proposition 8 in California, negating the already-in-progress legality of same-sex marriage in the state. Now mind you, not only was this a result of the California Supreme Court deciding the marriage ban illegal, but also after the California Legislature had once passed authorization for gay marriage, only to have Gov. Schwarzenegger veto it, wanting it put through the courts. The only way the bigot fucktards (and yes they ARE bigot fucktards, no matter what argument you can give me) figured they could win this is by putting a constitutional amendment vote out. Now think about it.

1) Who is benefiting from banning gay marriage? Are there only so many marriage slots that someone was going to feel left out?

2) Wouldn't it be the same to propose a segregational amendment, in, say, a southern state, to forbid blacks from occupying the same places as other ethnic groups? How about a amendment to require baptism for every person, whether Christian, Jew, Buddhist, or other? Does the voice of the people overtake common humanity and reason?

3) The Mormon church as an institution can go fuck itself. Bloody fuck itself. I never gave a rat's ass whether they have 15 wives (as long as they're not 13 years old) or wear special underpants or whatever. Unless somebody is a-scared that a big homo is gonna come break in their house and gay-marry them, they should stay the FUCK away. And by all means, tax the fuckers now. If they have the money to shell out for oogedy-boogedy commercials, they can certainly pay the IRS to defend their pale flabby asses. (And that goes second for the Catholic Church)

4) Yes, I know it's been spread that in a poll (and yes, just a poll), 70% of blacks in California voted for Prop 8, but it wasn't just them that turned it over. However, anybody of any minority voting for this blatant piece of prejudical shit can stick their "religious convictions" shtick up their ass as well.

5) Finally, this one is just a conjecture, but I really feel that what's evolved into the "mainstream gay culture" was too fixated on what Britney/Brangelina/TomKat/Paris was doing in between their shopping and being the party girl/snappy bitch to push this to the prominence it deserved. Mind you there were a lot of devoted people trying to get it done, but IMHO the "A-List" gays were too busy being "A-list" to give more than a passing cocktail tip to the cause. I just hope the protest that followed wasn't a one-off thing.

I leave it at this, Marc Shaiman, was the fuck didn't you put this out before the election! Jesus!

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