Old man yelling at cloud...

Last night had Barack Obama gave the speech that catapulted him squarely in the final race for the presidency. That same night, the Republicans for some crazy reason (maybe to steal some limelight or Clinton supporters?) shuttled John McCain into Louisiana to give a speech. Now mind, irony of ironies had befallen them, since the speech was preempted mid-ramble to announce Obama's reaching the required delegates (how's that for timing?), but either way that didn't detract from the utter suckfest that his "speech" was.

Besides the visual impact of the yellowed rest-home teeth over a lime-green backdrop with only emphasized his pale complexion (and what the fuck is going on with the left eye there? I'm definitely thinking mild stroke) and a filmstrip wheeze of a voice, McCain's input into the "national discussion" involved him whining about not being Bush, and that he has the experience to lead America to better programs. Well, fucktard, where were those programs over the last 30 years? Hidden up your ass? It's a laugh riot to hear him try to convince the public that he is the true "agent of change". Yeah, right. And declaring that only he can lead in times like when Katrina hit, claiming that he pushed to find the governments faults in the disaster. It's cute, if it wasn't a big LIE. He voted not once, but twice against a study on the outcome of Katrina. In fact, what was he doing the day Katrina hit?

Oh yeah, that's right, he was busy being Bush's bitch.

I mean, as the RudePundit (a Louisianan no less) said...

McCain began his speech with a lie: "Good evening from the great city of New Orleans." Kenner is a suburb that's got Metairie between it and New Orleans. It'd be like calling someone from Yonkers and saying that you're in New York City. And he was speaking in north Kenner, the whitest area of the town, where David Duke went to speak right after getting out of prison. Indeed, the only reason for choosing to speak in Kenner is that it's where the airport is.

That takes stupid to a whole new level. And saying change like a million times won't make it work. Nope. So congrats, dickweed, for being this week's "Republican Douchebag of the week" award.

Speaking of the Rudeness himself, here's his take on McCain from Philadelphia that I couldn't have worded better myself. Go to his website for the most hilariously irreverent take on politics you've ever heard.
