This week's "Cee U Next Tuesday" award, given to the woman determined to break down the glass floor to assholery, goes to blond Harry Potter look-a-like Linda Daves, Chairman of the North Carolina Republican Party, who is playing the "Punch and Judy" charade game with John McCain about airing an attack ad (really a "spook" ad, now that I think about it) bringing up Barack Obama and Jeremiah Wright , along with every other disaster save the Hindenburg of this century. Since the Republican party is devoid of any issues, and with the "heathen" they have running they can't go the moral route, the only respite is to inflame the basest of fears and ignoring the true issues this country is facing - the economy going into the tank, a neverending quagmire in a misled "war on terror", a health care fiasco, and an ecological nightmare arising, and if America falls for it, maybe Rev. Wright isn't quite off the mark. You're a sad, mi...