Douchebag of Liberty series, Arizona edition...

I honestly don't understand certain media and public adoration for John McCain. Sure he served nobly in Vietnam, but something apparently has fucked up his brain, where someone's implanted a short-circuiting "Manchurian Candidate" chip in him. He is by all means middle-of-the-road, with his whack-job views on choice, HIV, gay, and separation of church & state issues firmly plant him in the holy roller category, which pretty much goes with the republican/evangelical hypocrisy path, since he started fucking around on his wife after she had a car accident. He continuingly provides a "good cop to bad cop" shield to cover for all the signing statements Bush has made on the "torture" law and other laws. And now this genius who looks like Paul Simon with a glandular problem has the balls to hawl himself around the TV news shows blaming Bill Clinton for North Korea's current nuclear program. Click here to go to Crooks & Liars (right click to bring in a different window) to watch McCain blame an administration that ended 6 years ago and where no nuclear program was started for causing this current failure of current foreign policy. That's like blaming Theodore Roosevelt for Hitler.
As Josh Marshall at talkingpointsmemo puts out,

"Failure" =1994-2002 -- Era of Clinton 'Agreed Framework': No plutonium production. All existing plutonium under international inspection. No bomb.

"Success" = 2002-2006 -- Bush Policy Era: Active plutonium production. No international inspections of plutonium stocks. Nuclear warhead detonated.

Face it. They ditched an imperfect but working policy. They replaced it with nothing. Now North Korea is a nuclear state.

Facts hurt. So do nukes.

I don't know if he's continuing his role as Rove/Bush/Cheney's lapdog because he's a) blackmailed over something, b) brainwished like he was in Vietnam, or c) under the delusion that he still has a shot at being president in '08. Either way the "Straight Talk Express" is nothing but a broken Lionel set.

And by the way nothing says things more than the picture above, his stupid-ass retardo grin while thousands of people were stranded and dying in New Orleans during Katrina. Fuck Him.

Coming soon in my "Douchebags of Liberty series", Condaleeza Rice and Rudy Guiliani....
