It's only appropriate that on the day of Hillary Clinton's speech before the Democratic Convention, that the "Cee U Next Tuesday" award of the week goes to the faux dead-enders that pretend to be Hillary Clinton supporters who are protesting the primary results in the backended attempt to ratchet support for the dried up raisin-brain that's heading the Republican party. Best obeserved here, where perennial suck-up Chris Matthews can't even stomach the false logic and unsubstantiated rumormongering this Ann-Coulter-Skeletor-wannabe is trying to put on (along with her barnicled cunty-friends, along for the ride with no clue). Watch on an empty stomach. Notice she thinks she got away with it because she won't "reveal" her source, wanting to "email Chris the information", so the stalker idiot can have the first celebrity email in her life. Seriously, darling, we know you're a Republican plant. Any clear-headed person, male or female, th...