
Showing posts from December, 2007

Bonus clip time!

Here's some of the other songs that debuted on the week I skipped. First up is Danish DJ Enur (aka Rune DK) with the late Danish/Sudanese singer Natasja Saad with "Calabria"... Next up, Rodney Atkins makes it four for four on his latest album, here's "Cleaning This Gun (Come On In Boy)"... Rock band Yellowcard also debuted with "Light Up The Sky".... Underground dance act Underworld also debuted with "Crocodile"... Chevelle also returned with "I Get It"...

Twostepcub's music chart for December 28, 2007...

Hey everyone! I'm sorry for the small break, but the holidays this year did get the best of me timewise. I'm also busy putting together the best of 2007 posts, which will start with the new year. In the week that's skipped, Daughtry stayed at the top another week, but now Sugarland (pictured above) jumps from 5 to 1 with their fourth single from Enjoy The Ride , "Stay". Brad Paisley, Erika Jayne, and Georgie Porgie make some of the biggest leaps (marked in red), while songs by John Mayer, Trisha Yearwood, and Kanye West drop out. Also a teen idol from the 80's spent a solitary week on here (more later). The "last week" in parentheses was the songs position on last week's unposted chart. And Link-o-rama is still in effect, so you can click on the highlighted name of any artist to go to their website. Heck, "rightclick" and you can bring it up in a new window or tab and still have this one up. Happy New Year's, and I want to thank an...

Jamie Lynn Speaks Out!

Too friggin' funny for words. Happy happy merry merry.

Dec 25th....

Happy Christmas, everybody.

Twostepcub's music chart for December 14, 2007...

Hey everyone! Christmas shopping with the SB and working filled up the weekend, but i'm ready for my tunes for the week. This week Chris Daughtry finally reaches the top spot with his third single with his self-named band, while Santana featuring Nickelback's Chad Kroeger hangs on in the top-10. James Blunt, Rascal Flatts, Elliott Yamin, Brad Paisley, and Tim McGraw have songs dropping out of the chart, though there's a whole bunch of big jumps with 19 songs moving 10 spots or higher (marked in red), with Kylie Minogue, Alicia Keys, and Good Charlotte making the largest. Look at that line! This Week Song/Artist (last week's position in parentheses) ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Over You - Daughtry (2) 2. Wake Up Call - Maroon5 (1) 3. Paralyzer - Finger Eleven (3) 4. Bubbly - Colbie Caillat (4) 5. Shut Up And Drive - Rihanna (5) 6. More Than A Memory - Garth Brooks (6) 7. Into The Night - Santana f/ Chad Kroeger ...

I'm touched by your show of emotion, should I be fractured by your lack of devotion?

Eerie. I happened to have this album playing in my car last week. Before Ike died. Karma. You got to hand it to a woman who can endure being around Ike Turner and Phil Spector at the same time. By 1984, Tina Turner (nee' Anna Mae Bullock)'s career was at a low. Broke and in debt from leaving Ike and the tour she was on, it seemed like a classic oldies-act denouement of a almost evolved career. But new wave can be thanked for the turnaround. Yes, new wave. Ex-Human League members Ian Marsh and Martyn Ware went to form the fluffy band Heaven 17. But while doing that, they put out a "collaboration" album called Music of Quality and Distinction under the nom British Electric Foundation. They rounded up a bunch of "has-been" singers and covered classic songs, the first track being Tina's rendition of "Ball Of Confusion". Now while that didn't storm the charts (except apparently in Norway where they hit #5?), the Marsh/Ware duo saw enough pot...

Twostepcub's music chart for December 7, 2007....

Good morning everyone, two trees are up so far (one fake, one real) and one's decorated, so breaktime for my tunes for the week. This week Maroon5 spends a second week on top, while Garth Brooks (pictured above) moves up within the top-10 for the first time in six years... Out of the biggest jumps (marked in red), Tony Moran, Duran Duran, and Alicia Keys make the most prominent, while Moran's former hit, as well as Avril Lavigne and Nickelback leave the chart (which leaves the chart almost Nickelback-less for the first time in God knows when if it weren't for Santana bringing Chad Kroeger along)...Link-O-Rama is always in full effect, so you can click on any highlighted link to go to that artist's website (right-click, any you can bring it up in a new window). Damn those lights! This Week Song/Artist (last week's position in parentheses) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Wake Up Call - Maroon5 (1) 2. Over You...

Stand up in a clear blue morning, until you see what can be...

There are few male British singers that can rival the soulfulness of the American R&B experience. Steve Winwood was one of them. Nowadays, he's mostly known for dentist-office adult contemporary pop, but back in the day his voice was such an asset he was able to float between rock "supergroups" with the greatest of ease. In 1995 The Finer Things box came out to attempt to chronicle the evolution of Winwood from Brit-rock ringer to solo journeyman. That he has only had two minor albums released after this set came out still makes it relevant - does it deliver? The collection starts out with a generous nine-song helping of his work with the Spencer Davis Group , which Steve, with his brother "Muff" (yes, Muff) backing the Welshman and experience his first success. All of the SDG's Winwood-affiliated singles are here, with the first set having the covers they honed their chops on. Beginning with a version of bluesman John Lee Hooker's " Dimp...