the Cee U Next Tuesday award for the week - Wild Horses...

It's time to dole out my Cee U Next Tuesday award for the week, which glorifies excellence by women in the male-dominated field of douchebaggery. This week's winner happens to be last week's runner-up, the Mormon answer to Marie Antoinette, Ann Romney.

Mother Romney (pictured above), if you remember, is riding a non-coffee high for having her prancing horses qualify for the Olympics. Because nothing says you've pulled yourself up by the bootstraps than cultivating a herd of million-dollar horses that would be partially paid for by...yes YOU the American taxpayer (yay, freedom!). And of course she married old Willard without her parents being allowed in the church, and had her father, an avowed atheist, posthumously converted to their religion.

But don't go criticizing the Earth Mother, or the media circus will take you to the shed. It doesn't matter that her idea of "roughing it" is "living off their investment income", and that she supports her husband's platform of dismantling the already-threadbare net of healthcare reforms while wearing her medical history like a kryptonite cross when she never had to worry about a medical bill in her life. Because she's so nice.

Fuck that.

Yesterday, when asked by conservative ex-sports announcer cum pundit Frank Beckmann about the Obama's vacations overseas, which clearly means Michelle and/or the kids, since the president has never vacationed out of the country during his term (nice try, bunghole), Ann-toinette said..

"I doubt that," Romney replied. "Our vacations and our happiness come from being with our children and our grandchildren."

 First of all, what the everloving fuck does that even mean? That Barack and Michelle hate being with their kids? That they have to entertain themselves by cavorting with foreigners? And this...

Ann Romney didn’t rule out vacationing at all, noting the Romney family has their “own places for that.”
“When we take a vacation, it’ll be with our children and grandchildren,” she repeated.

What. an. absolute.entitled. cunt.

So as opposed to Cindy McCain, who had to run pretzels avoiding the topic of how many houses they have, Ann is basically saying, "fuck you, I don't need to stay in a hotel, I'll just stay in one of my mansions. Now bring me cake!". And as opposed to the Obamas, whose kids will probably die from drugs or become le lez anyway, she's a sitting MILF matriarch of a perfect set of little Romney's. Well, Ann, just because you used your vagina like a clown car doesn't make you any better than the rest of us, and whatever struggles you've gone through, doesn't add up to shit compared to the struggling majority of Americans that send themselves into high blood pressure over dealing with their kids and their own healthcare. And you know, I've never once heard in my life anybody making any wiseass crack about any former First Lady's vacation whereabouts, ever. Is it because they're the kind of people who usually can't afford these trips? Like community organizer sort of people? So you're implying that the oogityboogity Obamas are fleecing the American people by vacationing (which, you know, taxes pay for the security detail, not them staying at a Marriott)? And that you wouldn't burden us with that since you have everything you've ever wanted?

And for this little tidbit (which I must say, what the fuck is with some of MSNBC's staff? Michael O'Brien, who apparently is responsible for the article on their website about Romney not vetting Marco Rubio that they are now walking back*)...

One informal Romney adviser suggested that a candidate who’s seen his stock improve is former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty, in part because Pawlenty would do anything but overshadow Romney. A runner-up in the 2008 veepstakes, Pawlenty is said to be especially appealing to Ann Romney, who’s built a rapport with Pawlenty’s wife, Mary.
First, "informal advisor" is probably asshat Karl Rove. Second, giving hearsay like this is like highschool. Third, even if this were true, what does this say about a VP choice? This isn't coffee clutch.

Well, dear, I've got your number loud and clear. I've grown up around people like you. And for that, you win this week's Cee-U-Next-Tuesday awards, in the form of a heaping pile of horse manure. And apparently I'm not alone, as the venerable Wonkette came to the same conclusion. But I swear, I've been doing these awards for years!

Runner-up: Sheila Zimmerman - who thought by watching 24 she could code-word herself away from purgery about her financial dealings with her husband in prison. She could say she was standing her ground with the lawyers!

Second runner-up, South Carolina governor Nikki Haley, who after a change of heart loves her people to get cancer!

But in vetoing the bill, Gov. Haley called Sellers’ plan “a precursor to another taxpayer-funded health care mandate” — even though the vaccine does not rely on taxpayer funding and is not mandatory.
In fact, Haley co-sponsored a bill back in 2007 that would have made the vaccine mandatory. 
Congrats, Haley, now you can go make the other governors a sandwich.

 *PS Michael O'Brien is the fucktard who thinks the president's speeches are too long. Fuck him.
