so where the hell have I been?

Wow. It's been almost a month since my last post. I'm prone at times to a bit of writer's block, but I think between the vitriolic atmosphere politically in my state combined with my commitments to work and rodeo, I couldn't put myself in front of a computer to coherently write something worthwhile, and I thought about why I was doing this to begin with. I started this blog back in 2006, where my life was a lot different than it is now. A lot has changed, both with me and with my world around me. I loved this blog as a sounding board where I didn't have to go into my own facts and foibles, but can journal my thoughts on the stuff I get so obsessed with that I needed an outlet for. And I love doing it, as long as it's something I want to do, not what I'm expected to do. It seems that's been where I've been most of the time lately. And I've been overwhelmed with things I feel obligated to, and as much as it has been dominating my brain, I never wanted that part of my life to seep in to here.

I've been very disheartened over the recent events that set back the progress of civil equality, and I've been angry at both those who hypocritcally judge others as well as those in the GLBT community that are too apathetic to be concerned about nothing but their own selves.

I feel like I'm miles away from where I've been, and while I'm really proud of what I've done, I still am afraid of that creeping sense of inadequacy that I thought that I had beaten years ago.

Where am I leading with all this? I don't know. Though in order to move forward on this blog, I needed to release something to at least partially clear my head. There's been over 37,000 hits on this blog, and to everyone who has found me somewhat entertaining, I truly appreciate it. The best thing about the internet and blogging is that there's a way for minds to connect with ideas that never had such a forum before. And I hope to get my mojo back and get my life back to where I really am where I want to be, not where I have to be.

Peace out.


John said…
I have a bad habit of finding cool blogs as they are heading into a transitional period, but I can completely relate to your current block. Hope you find the clarity you are looking for, but don't feel like you owe anyone anything. Take care of you first.
twostepcub said…
Thanks, John. I really appreciate it. I think I've snapped out of it, so I thank you for sticking in there. I'm just very happy to have an outlet like this, and should take advantage to "be a part of the conversation" more. And BTW Popmusicnotes rocks!!