Story of the day...ho hum...pass the chips already...

It's Super Bowl Sunday, and I think I'm gonna pass. There's two teams I'm not into, headed by 2 quarterbacks that I wouldn't like to get a ring either way.

I guess Ben Roethlisberger is the lesser evil, between the stupidity of motorcycle riding without a helmet (which is a personal dumbass move, which I'm sure he's learned from) and Christian semi-zealotry, which he is open but not preachy about it.

Like Kurt Warner with his batshit insane zealotry. I don't mind at all people living their lives to their own values and beliefs, but once you go into delegating anyone who isn't like you to "hell" dives you right into the land of fucktards. Here's Kurt (and honey, it's the gays who like to spell it with a K) explaining how his heathen teammates (even the ones who go to their own church) are sinning well as being one of the spokepeople for the neanderthal flat-earthers opposed to stem cell research.

Oh, and the fully formed image of his god? Here it is. It's like a friggin' five year old.

And he's married to a crazy-ass possibly repressed Palin-esque wacko that missed out on marrying her own closet-case mega-church pastor.

So...let the Steelers win already.

Besides, Roethlishamburgerwhatever is cuter anyway.

..and I'm just watching for the commercials anyway. Here's the fave so far...

Hat tip to aznheartthrob at the Bicoastalbitchin' blog for the video inspiration. Go read their take on the Warner mess.
