Story of the day: A bigger d!ck senator than Lieberman?...

So the second nominee for Secretary of Commerce, New Hampshire Republican Senator Judd Gregg, withdraws himself abruptly from the process. Apparently the stank-eye of Mitch McConnell (above, leering) made wittle Judd a-scared. Fuck you, dick, there was no reason for you to be nominated in the first place, given your position to abolish the department in the first place, let alone your pussy "conflict of interest" bullshit about the stimulus package.

And President Obama, please stop the stupid "bipartisan" shit while you're at it. They snowed you. Again. Stop fucking listening to Emmanuel and grow a couple and realize that Republicans are dicks that are put on this earth to obstruct anything that doesnt go their way. Let them sit and stew in their dirty-ass diapers.

And Jesus Christ enough of the health-care crony Bredesen at HHS shit and friggin' put Dean in already? Just put Dean and Emmanuel in a room and let them work their shit out.
