Story of the day: Riddle Me This...

Timothy Geithner was confirmed as the country's Secretary Of the Treasury by a Senate vote of 60-34. As much as a conformist as he can be, the choice was a very centrist and steady choice. Imagine if a real thinker/progressive/realist like Paul Krugman would have been up for the job. It is ironic that the man who will be the head of the Internal Revenue Service didn't file his taxes correctly, but it's not like he skipped out on filing anything, and did correct what the IRS declared owed. He has a broad swath of support among the economic community, and with the state this nation and the world is in, we unfortunately don't have the time to dot every "i" in overscrutinizing his nomination. However, I do think it's laughable that Republican douchebag John Cornyn apparently saw no problem in voting for him, yet against Hilary Clinton for State. But then, considering the trouble that Hilda Solis has in a quick confirmation as Secretary Of Labor, maybe this is a sexist thing. Just sayin'.
