Random thoughts on the inauguration...

----the poet sucked bigtime.
----Justice Roberts totally fucked the president up giving the oath.
----Aretha's thinking "Fuck y'all who are hatin' on my hat!"
----I soooooo would like to be a fly on the wall when Joe Biden and Hilary Clinton met up.
----I had a tear in my eye when the Obamas got out of the motorcade to walk.
----Rick Warren should listen to himself sometimes.
----If I hear another person say either the word "historic" or "groundbreaking" I'm going to scream.
----It was fun watching Andrea Mitchell out riding the back of a truck.
----Sen. Cornyn of Oklahoma sucks major monkey balls. Face it, Hilary will be voted in anyway so what the fuck are you doing?
----I hope the country followed his words, and not "the moment".
----Media pundits who attribute the drop at the stock market to Obama can go shove a dildo up their collective asses.
----I'm so glad we can be finally rid of that unintelligent, uninquisitive, reactionary, seemingly drug-addled chimp that Darth Cheney had propped up as the supposed leader of the free world for the last 8 years.
----To all those people in the South who are whining because the new president doesn't seem to reflect their "values", fuck yourselves. Hard. With a broom. You're irrelevant.

and finally,

---The East Wing will soooo be rockin' tonight.
