Cee U Next Tuesday Of The Week...

This week's C-U-N-T winner, for the woman who proves that the glass ceiling is truly broken for dickishness, is former Surgeon General Antonia Novello, who after serving as SG under George H.W. Bush, secured herself a high-profile job as New York's state health commissioner in 1999. It seems like she used the position to turn herself into a little Leona Helmsley.

Dr. Novello is now under investigation by the Inspector General, and his report was released today, and it is a damning slug at her possibly felonious actions. The New York Times has more of the story, here's a clip...

A report from the office of Inspector General Joseph Fisch to be released Tuesday depicts Dr. Novello as preoccupied with shopping and routinely abusive of her authority over employees, ordering them to buy her groceries, pick up her dry cleaning and even water her houseplants.

On one occasion, Dr. Novello purchased a heavy statue of Buddha during a shopping excursion in Troy, N.Y., then required a Health Department security guard to move it into her apartment, and then a few days later move it to another spot in her home because she didn’t like how it looked, according to the report, a copy of which was obtained by The New York Times. The guard told investigators that he often had to ask his teenage son to help him move her furniture around.

This is not only a breach of conduct towards her own employees, but an insult to the millions of New York taxpayers that funded the bitch. I think the best thing is to throw her stupid aristocratic ass in jail and see how many fellow prisoners would be willing to do "errands" for her.

Read the whole article. It's pretty incriminating. And while you're at it, throw her fucking mother in there as well, riding on the public dime so she can hightail it to Puerto-fucking-Rico.
